Name: This shall be the Aston on Trent Local History Group
Aims & Objectives:
1.To document, maintain and develop a historical record of the village of Aston on Trent and its environs that is freely accessible for all
2.To promote the advancement of education by developing public interest in all aspects of local history
3.To undertake original research into aspects of Aston’s history
4.To devise, approve and implement appropriate systems and procedures for the recording & safe storage of documents (including preservation and conservation) held in The Group’s care with due regard to copyright, intellectual rights, safekeeping and duty of care
5.To undertake the compilation and organisation of local history material which shall form the archives of The Group
6.To maintain an awareness and conform where necessary to statutory requirements e.g. public liability
7.To liaise with Derbyshire County records office and other agencies for help and guidance to help The Group achieve its aims
The management committee shall be the membership and will consist of a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer who will be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. In addition there will be four other members of the Committee.
The management committee shall meet a minimum of four times a year. The quorum for the management committee shall be five. The Chairperson will have the casting vote in the event of a tie.
The management committee has the power to co-opt additional committee members (registered) or form sub-committees as and when deemed necessary.
An auditor of The Group’s affairs shall not be a committee member and must be appointed annually by vote at the AGM
The Group membership shall be the management committee who wish to voluntary contribute to the aims of the organisation. Personal details will be held only for the purposes of information and communication and will not be disclosed to any other person outside of the committee. Membership is open to all.
For the purposes of voting committee members will be entitled to vote and a minimum of five will e required to be in attendance; this number shall be deemed the quorum. The Chairperson will have the casting vote. The Group will strive to encourage and maintain a balanced membership reflecting the local community. The total number of members of the public attending open meetings shall be determined by the capacity of the facilities and safety considerations
An attendance fee will be levied per individual at each public meeting. The committee will determine the amount payable. Additional funding will be sought from private and public funding streams e.g. Lottery, donations of cash or kind and general appeals.*All income raised by, for or on behalf of the Group shall be used solely for the furtherance of the Group’s aims and objectives* (approved EGM 23/02/10)
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the accurate and proper recording of The Group’s financial affairs. The Lloyd’s TSB Bank at Allenton has been selected as the Group’s bank. The signatories to the account will be any two of the current management committee.Annually at thew AGM the committee shall agree a reserve of working capital (currently £1,000) and determine the amount committee members can spend (receipted) when authorised by two members (currently £25). Amounts over £25 will require quorum approval. A financial report or summary shall form a standing agenda item at each committee meeting
Written / digital information will be developed and maintained detailing organisational and operational procedures for members.
Annual General Meeting:
The AGM will be held in June and the following business will be undertaken:
1.The Report will be read and discussed
2.The audited accounts will be presented
3.The Officers will be elected following submission of proposed names four weeks prior to the AGM
4.Motions to be discussed must be submitted to The Group Secretary at least four weeks before the AGM
5.Any other business
Amendments to the constitution. The management committee, by a majority at a quorum meeting, may propose amendments to the constitution. The changes may be made only at an AGM or EGM called for that purpose. Two week’s notice shall be given for an EGM. If the majority of quorum vote passes the motion, the amendment to the constitution will be adopted Dissolution:
The management committee, by a majority vote at a quorum meeting, may decide to dissolve The Group. They must call an EGM giving two weeks notice of their intentions. If the resolution is passed by a majority vote The Group is then dissolved
This resolution will give instructions for the disposal of any assets held by or in the name of The Group, provided that if any property remains after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, such property shall not be paid to or distributed amongst members of The Group, but shall be given or transferred to such another charitable institutions having objectives similar to some or all of the objectives of The Group, as The Group may determine, and insofar as effect cannot be given to this provision, then to some other charitable purpose.
Should any such dissolution take place it shall be provided that any archives belonging to The Group shall remain available and kept safely at a location to be made known at the EGM.
Adoption of the Constitution
This constitution was formally accepted and adopted at the first AGM 7th June 2005*An amendment * was formally accepted February 2010. A further (current) amendment was accepted and adopted on 7th February 2019